Food Science & Nutrition Technology (FSNT)

ISSN: 2574-2701

Research Article

Weissella Cibaria Nn20 Isolated from Fermented Kimere Shows Ability to Sequester AFB1 Invitro and Ferment Milk with Good Viscosity and Phin Comparison To yogurt


Nduti NN*, Reid G, Sumarah M, Hekmat S, Mwaniki M and Njeru PN


Fermented foods prove many benefits for human health. The purpose of this study was to determine if these strains

sequestered aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) invitro. We isolated 300 gram positive lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from Kimere a

fermented food product from Eastern Kenya. Sixteen strains were identified for further investigation. The maximum

survival in gastric juice, captured by measuring optic densities spectrophotometrically at 600nm was for Weissella cibaria

NN20 isolates in comparison to positive control probiotic Lactobacillusrhamnosus GR1 and negative control Escherichia

coli GR12 (1.515±0.132, 1.459±0.085, 1.442±0.047 respectively). There was similar survival of Weissella cibaria NN20

compared to Escherichia coli GR12. Binding with AFB1 was found to be slightly better for Weissella cibaria NN20

(43.7±2.3 %) than Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR1.The final pH, viscosity and general organoleptic acceptance compared to

fermented milk with traditional yogurt starter cultures (P>0.05).


Weissella cibaria NN20; yogurt; Kimere; AFB1

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