Open Access Journal of Veterinary Science & Research (OAJVSR)

ISSN: 2474-9222

Mini Review

Reproductive Biotechnologies in Indian Cattle

Authors: Purohit GN


In recent years there have been immense improvements in application of reproductive biotechnologies in cattle and include artificial insemination, embryo transfer, ovum pick up and in vitro fertilization, semen sexing, cloning, transgenics and xenotransplantation. The purpose of these technologies had been improvement of the genetics of animals or producing animals of benefit to human beings. The application of these technologies in indigenous dairy cows of India had been slow. This manuscript describes the status of some of the reproductive biotechnologies as applied to Indian breeds of cows.

Keywords: <p>Reproductive Biotechnologies; Crossbreeding; Embryo Transfer; Transgenics; Xenotransplantation</p>

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