ISSN: 2578-465X
To Compare Three Techniques of Conjunctival Fixation (Suture Versus Fibrin Glue versus Autologous in Situ Blood Coagulum) Over Bare Sclera Following Pterygium Excision
To compare three techniques of conjunctival fixation (suture versus fibrin glue versus autologous in situ blood coagulum) over bare sclera following pterygium excision. Ninety eyes of 90 patients with primary pterygium were randomly divided into three groups: group I (30 eyes) underwent autografting and fixation with 8-0 vicryl sutures, group II (30 eyes) with fibrin glue and group III (30 eyes) with autologous in situ blood coagulum. The patients were reviewed on 2nd day, day 10 and day 30, and at every 3 months till 12 months after surgery. Rate of recurrence was similar (p = 0.515) across the three groups. Time taken for surgery for Group 1 was more as compared to group 2 (p < 0.001) and with group 3 (p < 0.001) comprising of the quickest surgery timings. Postoperative patient discomfort (foreign body sensation, epiphora, pain and irritation) was more in suture-assisted autografting as compared to the other two groups.
Complications; Pterygium; Recurrence; Conjunctival autograft; Autologous in situ blood coagulum
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