ISSN: 2476-2490
Authors: Adedeji TO , James E Tobih* , Olaofe O , Akinyemi HA and Sogebi OA
Background: FNAC is a well-established technique for pre-operative evaluation of masses. This study aims to highlight the relevance of FNAC and to draw attention to its prospects and challenges in the management of head and neck masses. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study conducted between December 2005 and November 2013 at the ENT and pathology departments of LAUTECH Teaching Hospital, Osogbo, Nigeria. Results: Total of 294 patients consisting of 113 males and 181 female with male: female ratio 1:1.6. Their ages ranged from 1-93 years (mean ± SD of 38.25 ± 1.98) years. Age group 21-40 years constituted the largest proportion 34.4%. Cervical mass constituted the largest proportion of 37.4% followed by thyroid mass 23.5%. Majority 35.2% were inflammatory/non specific lymphadenopathy followed by malignant masses 27.4%. Among the males, 67% were benign and 23.3% were malignant while among the females, 54% were benign and 39.2% were malignant. There were preponderance of inflammatory/benign masses among the younger age groups while malignant masses were spread among the young adults, middle age and older age groups (X2 = 28.535, p = 0.001). There is also no statistical significance in the distribution of head and neck masses between the two genders (X2 = 3.226, p = 0.353).Conclusion: FNAC is very relevant in the management of H&N masses; the prospects for its use are equally high in our center. The challenges associated with the use of FNAC in our environment at this time were also addressed.
Keywords: Aspiration; Cytology; Head and Neck masses
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