ISSN: 2578-4994
Authors: Adetoro O* and Salami A
The study expounds Space Technology usefulness in flood vulnerability assessment. Landsat images for 1972, 1984, 2000, 2013 and ASTER DEM for the area was used to examine LULC spatial dynamics and land surface temperature while the MCDA was used for the flood vulnerability assessment in the urban watershed. Results show that the LULC categories that shows increase are built up and Light vegetation which amounted to 12628.6 ha (4.7%) and 53867.5 (19.8%) 5,546.2 ha (1.9%) respectively. There is a pattern of increase in vulnerability on built up, Light vegetation, bare soil and water body accounting for 8993.60 ha (94.77%), 2364.18 ha (9.73%), 14121.80 ha (81.05%), 419 (77.59) for year 1972 and 26700.57 ha (57.16%), 9560.65 ha (9.16%), 3697.19 (83.68), 1.29 ha (0.78%) for the year 2013 respectively. The LST result presented the highest LST range from 2013, 2000, 1984 accounted for 34-410c, 24-320c, and 16-310c respectively and the lowest temperature range is 3-16 0C, 10-20 0C and 24-31 0C in 1984, 2000 and 2013 respectively. This study established continuously increase in LUC due to uncontrolled clearance of land cover for urban expansion which has exposed the surface area to increased temperature and aggravates flood risk and other environmental problems in the urban watershed.
Keywords: <p>Land Use; Flood; Land surface Temperature; Watershed; Landsat; MCDA; Vulnerability; Space Technology</p>
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