ISSN: 2574-2701
Authors: Ojha A , Singh A , Sharma A and Upadhyay A
Malnutrition in its different forms like under-nutrition, deficiencies of micronutrient and overweight or obesity, impress high economic and social costs on developing countries at all income levels. Actually improving nutrition and reducing these costs begin with agriculture practices and food systems - supply chain. The social cost of malnutrition that is measured by the “disability-adjusted life years” lost to child and maternal malnutrition and to overweight and obesity, is very high. Beyond the social cost, the cost to the global economy caused by malnutrition, as a result of lost productivity and direct health care costs, could account for as much as 5 percent of global gross domestic product (GDP). The size of problem is like malnutrition affects all countries and one in three people on the earth. The good news is - we know how to curb this menace of malnutrition and can achieve the goals of nutrition security through Supplementation, Fortification, Bio-fortification in agriculture and Dietary diversification through Awareness.
Keywords: Nutrition Security; Malnutrition; SAM; MAM; Supplementation; Fortification
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