ISSN: 2575-9981
Authors: Shrestha Y
Background: People who have observed or are aware that a consumer has been restrained may experience distress, confusion, concern, anger or fear and perceive as punishment. However, studies that examine the perspective of patient’s family are limited. This study has explored the knowledge and attitude of family member of mentally ill patient. Method: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among family member of mentally ill patient at Punarjeevan Hospital, Balkumari, Lalitpur to assess the knowledge and attitude of family member of mentally ill patient regarding restraint. Interview schedule was used to collect data related to knowledge and attitude regarding restraint along with demographic features. Result: The average score of knowledge regarding physical restraint was 30.66 (72.99%) and average attitude score was 4.17 (83.31%). In the study 40% relationship was found between knowledge and attitude. Regarding the association between knowledge and selected socio-demographic variables, knowledge was found to be associated with age, educational level and relation with patient of respondents. In terms of association between attitude and selected sociodemographic variables, attitude was found to be associated with relation with patient of respondents. Conclusion: This study concludes that family member has relevant knowledge regarding physical restraint but the knowledge regarding risk and consequences of physical restraint was lacking. In terms of attitudes about physical restraint over all attitude was found to be positive among family members but attitude regarding feeling of patient towards physical restraint was contrast.
Keywords: <p>Attitude; Family members; Knowledge; Mentally ill patient; Restraint</p>
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