Medical Journal of Clinical Trials & Case Studies (MJCCS)

ISSN: 2578-4838

Case Report

Orthodontically Replacement of Canine with Congenitally Missing Maxillary Lateral Incisor – A Case Report

Authors: Sonwane S , Shweta RK , Sunil kumar B , Rao S and Gayetrikulkarni

DOI: 10.23880/mjccs-16000149


Substitution of canine in place of lateral incisor is one of the best treatment approaches in cases with congenitally missing or accidental exfoliation of lateral incisors. Next most commonly used is restoring missing with an implant or prosthetic bridge.
Aim: The main of this article is to implicate canine substitution method for replacing missing lateral incisors without a future prosthesis.
Case Report: A 17-year-old girl came with the chief complaint of irregularly erupted teeth with one side shift in an upper front region of the mouth. On Intra-oral examination, molars are in angle's class I relation, canine class I on right side and cross bite on the left side, middle line shifted on patient's left side in the maxillary arch. In the mandible, canines are intolingual rotations.
Treatment Plan: Based on the clinical situation and obtained cephalometric and model analysis values, it was planned to treat the case by space closing method. Thus, the case was planned for fixed orthodontic appliances with an extraction of three first premolars.
Treatment progress: Multibracket appliance prescription of MBT TM, slot size 0.022X0.028 inches brackets were fixed with Enlight (Ormco US) primer and adhesive were used for its best strength, following manufacturer’s instructions.
Canine contouring procedure: The canine tip flattened and converted in lateral incisor incisal edge, the mesial and distal edge was reduced to simulated lateral incisor. Labial prominence was flattening as a lateral incisor. A similar procedure was followed to convert canine's palatal surface to lateral incisor.
Conclusion: Substituting canine with missing lateral is one of the best approaches. However, it should match color, dimensions with lateral.

Keywords: Orthodontically; Maxillary Lateral Incisor; Cephalometric; Canine Contouring; Ectodermal

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