Medical Journal of Clinical Trials & Case Studies (MJCCS)

ISSN: 2578-4838

Case Report

Use of Abdominal Adipose Tissue for Interposition in Unilateral Temporo-Mandibular Joint Ankylosis - A Case Report

Authors: Varsha S Manekar , Surendra Daware , Archana Deshpande , Janice Jhon and Sujit Wyawhare

DOI: 10.23880/mjccs-16000153


Introduction: Temporo-mandibular ankylosis is a debilitating condition resulting in immobile lower jaw, reduced mouth opening, facial asymmetry and reduced general health status. This article is a case report of post traumatic unilateral TMJ ankylosis in a young female treated successfully by surgery wherein the abdominal adipose tissue with dermis was used for interposition to prevent reankylosis.
Case Report: A female patient twenty two years old diagnosed as unilateral TMJ ankylosis. The surgical treatment of gaparthoplasty with inter-positional grafting with abdominal fat pad and bilateral coronoidotomy was planned
Discussion: The success in the preventing Reankylosis after TMJ gap arthroplasty is related primarily to the appropriate surgical technique with adequate removal of bone, early vigorous postoperative physiotherapy, maintained for long term. The case reported has no obvious facial deformity, one stage treatment of release of ankylosis and interposition of abdominal fat has improved patients mouth opening. The ease of harvesting and sufficient size of tissue definitely makes abdominal derma fat as choice of interpositional autogenous tissue in case of TMJ ankylosis.
Conclusion: The results obtained in our study are highly satisfactory and encouraging, supporting the role of abdominal dermis fat graft as the interposition material in TMJ Ankylosis cases. However, a large sample size and a longer follow-up period are required to consolidate the findings.

Keywords: <p>Abdominal Adipose Tissue; Temporo-Mandibular; Intracapsular Condylar; Glenoid Fossa; Coronoid.</p>

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