Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research (OAJAR)

ISSN: 2474-8846

Research Article

Performance of Bread Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Line Originating from Various Sources

Authors: Shewaye Y and Solomon T

DOI: 10.23880/oajar-16000166


The performance of 78 bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines, 26 from the crossing block of the National Wheat Research Block and 52 lines introduced from CIMMYT and ICARDA, were evaluated at Kulumsa (WRCoE), Adet, and Holetta Agricultural Research Centers during the 2012 main cropping season. The trial was laid out in simple lattice design with two replications. Data were collected on yield and yield parameters. The combined ANOVA showed that the main effect of environment, genotype, and genotype by environment (G x E) interactions were significantly (p <0.05) different for all traits. The grain yield of the test lines ranged from 2.69-5.93t/ha, with a mean of 4.37t/ha. Genotypes ETBW6595, ETBW6596, and ETBW6597 performed better in grain yield and were found to be early in maturity. However, ETBW6598, ETBW6616 and ETBW6579 were high yielders, but late in maturity compared to the standard check. The mean grain yields of 36 of the 78 test lines, six from local crosses, twenty-nine from CIMMYT origin, and one from ICARDA, were greater than the grand mean. Diversifying the sources of germplasm is essential for using in a national breeding program to enhance national and regional capacities for focused and targeted germplasm development.

Keywords: Genotype by Environment; Bread Wheat; Grain Yield; Germplasm

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