ISSN: 2578-4838
Pre-Clinical Drug Research: Is it becoming a Misguided Missile?!
Authors: Vivek L
Therapeutics has undergone a sea change in the last millennium, with some revolutionary treatment modalities becoming available for needy patients, for instance the advent of monoclonal antibodies in cancer chemotherapy and a targeted approach to prevent left ventricular hypertrophy in heart failure. Most of these novel approaches to treatment are the result of extensive and intensive drug research at the molecular level, subsequent to the identification of targets of drug action. This is in sharp contrast to the previous techniques to identify potentially active molecules, where serendipity played a crucial role and the process was painfully tedious. High throughput screening and reverse pharmacology followed suit, with astonishing and very welcome results. It started appearing as if we had reached the zenith of optimal pharmacophore identification in pathophysiological processes, and that permanent cure of almost every disease was just at an arm’s length.
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