ISSN: 2639-216X
<p>Amphibians are among the first vertebrates that have conquered the terrestrial environment. Their way of life is characterized by a compulsory aquatic larval phase and an adult terrestrial phase separated by a metamorphosis. Amphibians remain subservient to the aquatic environment throughout their lives. Several adaptive mechanisms regarding reproductive patterns have been established during biological evolution. Some species are oviparous; others are viviparous or direct-developing. Fertilization can be external or internal. Alongside these conventional breeding methods, some amphibians have developed particular forms of marsupialism or transport of eggs and larvae allowing them to at least partially free themselves from the aquatic environment.</p>
Keywords: &lt;p&gt;Amphibian; Anuran; Urodelan; Gymnophionan; Caecilian; Reproductive Cycle; Oviparity; Viviparity; Direct Development; Marsupialism; Phoresy&lt;/p&gt;
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