ISSN: 2578-5079
Coronary arteries were dissected out from 112 human hearts including 62 males and 50 females in all age groups.
Various parameters of coronary sclerosis were studied in three major coronary arteries namely right coronary artery
(RCA), left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD) and left circumflex coronary artery in both the sexes (LCX). The
histological sections were stained with H & E stain whereas special stain (Aldehyde Fuschine) was used to stain internal
elastic lamina. Thickness of artery wall and the diameter of coronary artery were measured with the help of ocular
micrometer. Among the three major coronary arteries age related evidence of coronary sclerosis is more in Left anterior
descending coronary artery followed by right coronary artery and left circumflex coronary artery with least affected.
Whatever the criteria used for measurement, coronary sclerosis is more common in male as compared to female in all age
Coronary arteries; Coronary sclerosis; Aldehyde fuschine; Internal elastic lamina; Ocular micrometer
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