ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Avinash S , Amresh S and Anuradha Shankar
Cerebral palsy is a commonest chronic and progressive disease of mental and physical disability among children and affects 3-8% population which fails to respond the present technologies or medication of modern medicine. Objective of the Study: To evaluate a proven herbal neuro regenerative and neuro vigorative composite NEUROVIT in modifying therapeutic outcome and life style improvement of Cerebral palsy cases. Material & Methods: Cases suggestive of Cerebral palsy attending Institute of applied neurology, Aarogyampunarjeevan, Ara Garden Road , Jagdeo path, Baily Road Patna 14 and National Institute of Health & Research, Warisaliganj (Nawada) Bihar were selected for the study. Selected patients were clinically examined as per various grades of activity to adjudge the severity of illness and investigated for baseline biostatus to evaluate therapeutic outcome and safety profile. Result: Herbal composite ensured marked improvement in all parameters i.e. motor power, muscle tone, mental capability and intelligent quotient (IQ) in 96.7% cases without any disease related complication and drug related sequel. Discussion: Cerebral palsy a chronic condition with considerable morbidity more in male and in lower middle class due to health ignorance unhygienic environment and lack of proper antenatal and obstetric care having increased risk multiple birth, neonatal asphyxia and premature delivery. Conclusion: Though Cerebral palsy has no cure in modern medicine in spite of advancement in technologies and therapeutics but cases diagnosed at early age and, treated with herbal composite adjuvant NEUROVIT Syrup in prescribed dose with other supplement achieve marked clinical improvement and improved lifestyle in 96.7% cases.
Keywords: <p>Cerebral Palsy; Spasticity; IQ; Mental Status; Quality of Life</p>
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