ISSN: 2578-4838
Management of Terminal Edentulism by Implant-Supported Fixed Prostheses- A Case Report
Authors: Debbabi Imen , Harzallah Belhassen , ben khelifa Mohamed , Troudi Fethi and Cherif Mounir
What therapeutic attitude should be adopted in case of medium or extended terminal edentulism?. This clinical situation requires assessing the alternatives for the replacement of missing teeth. The therapeutic solutions available for this type of edentulism may be the implant-supported fixed prosthesis or the removable prosthesis. The conventional removable partial prosthesis does not satisfy all of our patients, considered unesthetic and often uncomfortable. However, the implant-supported fixed prosthesis is a solution that has proven to be satisfactory in terms of comfort, longevity and esthetics. A complete and successful implant treatment is based on an integrated approach consisting of two treatment phases, the surgical phase and the prosthetic one.
Keywords: <p>Implant Impression; Implant-Fixed Prostheses; Dental Implantology; Terminal Edentulism; Implant; Prosthetic Rehabilitation</p>
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