Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences (OAJDS)

ISSN: 2573-8771

Case Report

Reconstruction of Endodontically Treated Teeth Using Anatomic Fiber Posts: A Case Report

Authors: Juan G Robledo*, Jorge Passart, Andrea Kaplan and Dario Liporace

DOI: 10.23880/oajds-16000111


A clinical case is presented in which the prosthetic restoration of two anterior teeth, esthetically compromised was required. Quartz fiber posts were used in wide non rounded root canals. A relining technique with composite resin was used to accomplish a better adaptation of the tooth posts to the internal walls of the tooth, thus reducing the required quantity of adhesive resin cement and achieve a best friction to favor fixation. In this research it is emphasized the importance of communication, teamwork and integration of prosthetic as well as endodontic concepts to confront the challenge of a better adaptation of the posts to non rounded root canals.

Keywords: Anatomic fiber quartz posts; Endodontically treated teeth; Integration of prosthetics and endodontics concepts

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