ISSN: 2578-4838
Mirizzi Syndrome with Type F Bile Duct Anomaly- A Rare Case Report
Authors: Karthikeyan Mahalingam , Soundararajan L , Srinivasan Muthukrishnan , Prabhakaran R , Srinivasan UP , Naganathbabu OL and Rajajeyakumar M
The Mirizzis syndrome is an uncommon condition characterized by obstructive jaundice secondary to a gallstone impacted in the infundibulum of gallbladder obstructing the common bile duct. Pre-operative diagnosis is very difficult since clinical findings, laboratory data and radiological features are not specific. We are presenting a 36 year old female presented with obstructive jaundice, cholangitis and acute kidney injury. She was found to have choledocholithiasis with type F biliary anomaly and was managed conservatively with antibiotics and ERCP with biliary stenting. The patient was stabilized and subsequently taken up for surgery. Intra-operatively a type F biliary anomaly with Mirizzi syndrome was made out. Hence cholecystectomy with hepaticojejunostomy including the aberrant duct was done. The case is presented for the interesting and rare association of bile duct anomaly with Mirizzis syndrome.
Keywords: <p>Mirizzi Syndrome; Bile Duct Anomaly; Infundibulum; Choledocholithiasis; Hepaticojejunostomy</p>
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