Haematology International Journal (HIJ)

ISSN: 2578-501X

Case Report

Extramedullary Multiple Myeloma in the Kidney: A Case Report

Authors: Sinan Demircioglu1 and Pembe Oltulu

DOI: 10.23880/hij-16000128


Extramedullarymyeloma (EMM) is defined by the presence of plasma cells outside the bone marrow in a patient with multiple myeloma (MM). EMM is classified under four headings as bone-associated plasmacytoma, extramedullary disease (EMD), plasma cell leukemia and solitary plasmacytoma. EMD is more common in the nasopharynx, larynx, and upper respiratory tract. It is rarely seen in the kidney. We presented extramedullary disease of kidney, at relapsed myeloma patient.

Keywords: Multiple Myeloma; Extramedullary Myeloma; Extramedullary disease

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