ISSN: 2578-4838
The Impact of the Power Distribution Structure in the Family and Domestic Violence against Women
Authors: Mahmoud Y , Behzad H and Hadis E
The present paper has been written by the aim of investigating relationship Power Distribution Structure in the Family and Domestic Violence against Women of Isfahan. The theoretical frame of this thesis has been taken from the Feminism, particular Radical Feminism, Resource theory, conflict theory. According this theoretical frame specially Radical Feminism, the variables such as Socioeconomic Status, the power structure, way of exertion power have been taken as some factors effecting on the domestic violence married women. The data of research has been collected by survey from a sample made of a volume of 200 people taken from the population of married women of Isfahan by a multi-step selected cluster sampling. The results of multiple regression show that independents variables account for approximately 0/73 percent of the variance of domestic violence against married women.
Keywords: Domestic Violence; Power Structure in Family; Way of Exertion Power
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