Open Access Journal of Ophthalmology (OAJO)
ISSN: 2578-465X
Research Article
Comparison of Visual Acuity for Different Amount of Deviation of
Alternate Exotropia
Partha Haradhan Chowdhury
Partha Haradhan Chowdhury
Brinda Haren Shah
Partha Haradhan Chowdhury
Brinda Haren Shah
Methods: A pilot, cross sectional, observational study was performed at tertiary eye care centers. Subjects with Ocular deviation between 10 to 40 prism diopters, Corrected distance Visual Acuity should be greater than 6/18 and Age should be between 10 to 40 years of age were included in the study. Visual Acuity was assessed with Log Mar chart.
Results: 30 subjects were included in the study. Out of that, 16 subjects were in the age group of 11-20 years, 12 subjects were in the age group of 21-30 years and 2 subjects were in the age group of 31-40 years. 60% subjects were Female and 40% subjects were Male. The mean visual acuity was considered in each amount of deviation. It shows that maximum acuity is deteriorated in the ocular deviation of 31-40 prism diopters.
Conclusions: As the amount of ocular deviation increases, visual acuity will be more deteriorated.
Keywords: Visual Acuity; Alternate Esotropia; Alternate Exotropia
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