Medical Journal of Clinical Trials & Case Studies (MJCCS)

ISSN: 2578-4838

Mini Review

Iodine: An Essential Trace Element

Authors: Paz S , Rubio C , Gutiérrez AJ , Revert C and Hardisson A

DOI: 10.23880/mjccs-16000171


Iodine is an important trace element for health. This element is found in nature, mostly in the marine environment, where it accumulates in marine organisms. The diet is the main source of iodine, being foods of marine origin such as seaweed or shellfish that represent a greater dietary contribution. A deficit intake of this element can lead to serious effects such as hypothyroidism, goiter or cretinism. However, excessive intake of this element may result in hyperthyroidism, thyroid cancer, among other effects. The new trends in food have caused an increase in the consumption of food, as these are one of the most important sources of iodine can pose to health risk, in cases of excessive consumption of algae.

Keywords: Iodine; Dietary Intake; Hyperthyroidism; Toxic Risk

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