ISSN: 2691-5774
Authors: Martins AA*
This paper reflects on issues of justice and mental health from a theological approach that intends to show an ethics of social responsibility and caring ground on a new social Samaritan paradigm. It has the Brazilian context of public health as the starting point for its analysis and an example to support a theological perspective that stresses the crucial importance of a community-based approach able to integrate patient, family, ecclesial community, and society in order to shape public policies that respond to mental health demands and challenges. In addition, this paper suggests an ethics of personal, communal, and social responsibility to avoid marginalization of the mentally ill and enable them to live a healthy sociability according to their limitation and vulnerability. It urges for an ecclesial role in pastoral care for these people and public advocacy for their rights. It shows the Brazilian experience of Pastoral Healthcare in caring for the mentally ill and in advocating for their dignity and rights by its organization in three dimensions: caring - communitarian - sociopolitical.
Keywords: Mental Health; Samaritan Paradigm; Poverty; Community; Liberation