ISSN: 2474-9222
Authors: Kebede A , Lemmi E and Dugassa J
Ticks are important parasite of cattle that cause huge economic loss at private and national level. Therefore, the cross sectional study was conducted from October 2016 to June 2017 in Lalo Assabi district of West Wollega Zone. The aims of the study were to determine the prevalence of tick infestation and to identify their predilection site, possible risk factors and distribution in the rural and urban area of Lalo Assabi districts. Peasant Associations (PAs), sex, age, body conditions of animals and ticks genera were major factors involved in the study. A systematic random sampling study design was followed to collect samples. From the total of 384 cattle, 265 (69%) cattle were found to be infested with tick. Out of five peasant associations examined, highest prevalence (80.4%) was recorded at Barko Daleti Peasant Associations. Highest prevalence (82%) was observed in male than in female animals (59%). Relatively highest prevalence was recorded in adult animals (70.7%) as compared with young and old age animals. Amblyomma, Boophilus and Rhipicephalus were tick genera with infestation rate of 30.7%, 23.2% and 15.1%, respectively. Animals with good body condition were relatively affected (74.1%). Different tick genera have different predilection sites. Amblyomma had strong preference for udder or scrotum (19.3%), Boophilus was highly prevalent on Udder or Scrotum and Genus Rhipicephalus was highly found attached to Dewlap (21.1%). However, there was no significant variation on the prevalence of tick infestations (P>0.05). The study revealed that ticks are the most important ectoparasites and cause economic losses
Keywords: Bovine; Lalo Assabi; Prevalence; Ticks
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