ISSN: 2639-2178
Authors: Riahi A , Aymen A , Drissi C , Zaouali J , Hammami N , Nagi S , Mrissa R and Ben Hammouda M
Etiological diagnosis of cystic tumor in adult patients can be laborious. Differential diagnosis includes a variety of primary brain tumors such as pilocytic astrocytomas and gongliogliomas, metastases or brain abscesses. We report herein an exceptional cause of cystic brain tumor in a 22-year-old Tunisian man. The patient presented with acute intracranial hypertension syndrome with a right temporal parenchymatous cystic mass on brain MRI. This mass has a nodule of 25 mm in contact of its posterior wall, taking intense and homogenous contrast after Gadolinium injection, and associated with perilesionel edema. Operative findings denoted that cystic component of the tumor was in fact the temporalhorn of the lateral ventricle that has been excluded by the nodular lesion. Pathological study of the nodule confirmed the diagnosis of brain tuberculoma. In endemic area; tuberculosis must be ruled out first in patients with braintumors since it may simulate any type of lesion.
Keywords: Pilocytic Astrocytomas; Gongliogliomas; Tuberculoma; Oligodendroglyomas; Papilledema; Granuloma; Corticosteroids; Gadolinium; Parenchymatous Cystic; Parenchymal
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