ISSN: 2474-9230
Authors: Rajshree DK*
Introduction: Caesarean section is the most common obstetrical surgery performed worldwide. Its incidence continuously rising. The rate of caesarean section is 24.4% in urban educated India. In our college LSCS rate of previous 5 years is 25.4%, amongst which 0.2% were previous three LSCS. Methodology: A retrospective observational study of 200 cases of caesarean deliveries from January 2010 to December 2017 in a tertiary care centre. Cases were divided in four groups such as first LSCS, second LSCS, third LSCS and fourth LSCS, each group contained 50 cases. Results: Patients were grouped as per number of caesarean deliveries. There is an increase in maternal morbidity with increase in the number of previous caesarean deliveries. There is increased morbidity in the form of adherent placenta, blood loss, bladder, ureter injury, intra-operative adhesions, scar dehiscence, need for ICU admission. Conclusion: Cases of previous 2 and previous 3 LSCS are bound to increase in near future, such cases need proper referral to tertiary care centre for proper management based on the risk of varied complications.
Keywords: Caesarean; LSCS; Deliveries; Operative Time; Hospital
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