ISSN: 2689-7822
Authors: Hosen MI*, Zhong XJ, Li T, Zhang M and Li TH*
A first-time survey of boletes from Xiangtoushan National Nature Reserve of Guangdong Province in China was conducted from April 2015 to August 2016. A total of 18 collections of boletes were studied, which represents 16 phylogenetic species in 12 genera, including four species of Tylopilus, two of Aureoboletus, and one each of the genera Austroboletus, Boletus, Boletellus, Chiua, Heimioporus, Pulveroboletus, Parvixerocomus, Rossbeevera, Strobilomyces and Sutorius. Among the 16 species of bolete, six species, namely Aureoboletus tomentosus, Chiua virens, Parvixerocomus aokii, Pulveroboletus brunneoscabrosus, Sutorius eximius and Tylopilus balloui are presented here. The remaining 10 phylogenetic species (one each for Aureoboletus, Austroboletus, Boletus s.l., Boletellus, Heimioporus, Rossbeevera, Strobilomyces and three for Tylopilus) were still not given valid name due to the paucity of collections. Brief morphological descriptions and color photos of the six recognized species are provided.
Keywords: Boletaceae; East Asia; Morphology; Subtropical; Taxonomy