Haematology International Journal (HIJ)
ISSN: 2578-501X
Research Article
Survey of Pentazocine Addiction and Opioid Use in Adult
Sickle Cell Anaemia Patients: The Perspective of Healthcare
Madu AJ
Korubo K
Okoye H
Ugwu N
Efobi C
Nwogoh B
Okoye A
Background: Sickle cell anaemia (SCA) is characterized by episodes of bone pain creating a major role for analgesic therapy in the emergency management of this condition. Opioids, including pentazocine, is used in some cases and may be addictive with prolonged use. Aim: This study aims to assess the scope of opioid use; pentazocine addiction and availability of resources for its management.
Materials and Methods: This study was conducted using a 10-item pre-tested and pre-validated questionnaire which was administered to medical doctors working in haematology units across Nigeria.
Results: 55 doctors involved in SCA patient care in 25 Nigerian health institutions with 13,314 registered SCA patients responded. The 5-year prevalence rate of pentazocine addiction was 2.9%. In managing pain in these patients, pentazocine ranked 2nd (21.2%) as the drug of choice after NSAIDs (26.9%). Majority of the physicians (48.1%) frequently prescribed DF118 while about 80% of them rarely prescribed morphine. Most of the doctors (61.8%) routinely counselled their patients on the dangers of opioid use, 88.9% believed there was need to adopt a guideline for opioids use and 89.1% agreed that pentazocine addiction was a major health challenge. 90.9% of the participants had neuropsychiatry units in their institutions, 71.2% of them accepted to have adequate neuropsychiatry staff and facilities.
Conclusion: Pentazocine addiction in was thought to be a major heath challenge by majority of the managing physicians. They also agreed that there was a need to provide guidelines/ policies for opioid use as well as restriction of access to opioids by unauthorized persons while encouraging multidisciplinary approach in the management of pain.
Keywords: Sickle cell; Doctors’ perspective; Analgesia; Haemoglobinopathy
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