Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences (OAJDS)

ISSN: 2573-8771

Case Report

Postoperative evaluation of Conservative Surgical Approach on Central Giant Cell Granuloma of the Mandible: A case report

Authors: Vijay Kumar

DOI: 10.23880/oajds-16000114


Aggressive form of central giant cell granuloma has always causes challenging problem for oral and maxillofacial surgeons due to their high recurrence rate (55% - 70%). Therefore repetitive and extensive surgical procedures are required to resolve them. That has adverse psychosocial consequences particularly in young age and is prohibitively expensive. On the other hand, non-surgical procedures reported in literature also showed failure of treatment and need for future surgical intervention for aggressive central giant cell granuloma. Nevertheless, combined conservative surgical approach such as surgical curettage + peripheral osteotomy + local application of Carnoy’s solution followed by Iodoform gauze packing till complete soft tissue healing is advantageous for non-perforated large aggressive central giant cell granuloma. The aim of this study was to report the outcome of combined conservative surgical approach for aggressive central giant cell granuloma. The follow-up duration of the cases was 15 months. 

Keywords: Central giant cell granuloma; Jaw tumor; Recurrence of CGCG; Conservative Surgical Management

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