Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal (CDOAJ)

ISSN: 2574-7800

Research Article

Comparison of Grafts in Post Burn Contractures of Fingers in Children

Authors: Fatima M and Ali Khan FA

DOI: 10.23880/cdoaj-16000153


Objective: To compare the results of full thickness skin graft (FTG) and split thickness skin graft (STSG), determining which graft is better method of coverage, in terms of range of motion. Place and duration: Dr. Ruth K.M Pfau Civil hospital Karachi, from January 2012 to march 2018. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Methodology: 180 patients meeting inclusion criteria were enrolled in study, post burn contractures were released and defects were covered with FTG in 100 patients and with STSG in 80 patients. After 2months and physiotherapy, range of motion was compared between two groups. Results: Mean age at presentation was 4.49 ± 3.0 years, mean age at the time of injury was 27.1± 20.7months. 55% patients were males, 45%were females. Most common mechanism of injury was scald burn 50.6%, followed by contact burn 32.8%, electric burn 11.1% and flame burn 5.6%. Right hand was injured in 78.3%, left hand in 20% and both hands in 1.7% of patients. In patients with FTG, 49% patients achieved Full ROM, 42% achieved good ROM, 8% had Fair and 1% had poor ROM. In patients with STSG, 22.5% patients achieved Full ROM, 41.2% achieved good ROM, 35% had Fair ROM and 1.2% had poor ROM. Conclusion: This study concludes that FTG is a better method of coverage after contracture release.

Keywords: Post burn contractures; Defect coverage; Range of motion

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