Ergonomics International Journal (EOIJ)

ISSN: 2577-2953

Research Article

Indices Assessment of Ergonomic-Psycho-Sociological Workplace in the Metal Casting Industry of El Hadjar (Algeria)

Authors: Sefouhi L* and Bouterfa M

DOI: 10.23880/eoij-16000183


The improvement of working conditions constitutes the major challenge for any company in order to ensure a better productivity. The conditions of work include several elements: material, physical, moral...etc. These can present risks or loads on the health and well-being of workers, which will probably reflecting its profitability. Our study will analyze the working conditions of casting workplace in a steel company of El Hadjar Complex of Annaba city (Algeria). This work uses the Labour Economics and Sociology Laboratory of France (LEST) method to evaluate the ergonomic-psycho-sociological quality of work in this workstation with the aim of promoting them in a perspective of socio-economic development of the company.

Keywords: Ergonomics; Conditions of Work; Industry; Casting; LEST; Risks; Prevention

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