ISSN: 2691-5790
Authors: Esam Z, Mirshafa A and Irannejad H*
From the ancient time, people were familiar with the kind of neuralgia called Sciatic type pain. Numerous guidelines and strategies were investigated to manage this pathological state. Physiotherapy, psychotherapy and Pharmacotherapy with anti-convulsants, tricyclic antidepressants, steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, opioid analgesics and even surgery were used to reduce the pain. However, treatment for this kind of neuropathic pain is not definite because according to the literature, even epidural glucocorticoids injection provides only short-term pain relief and patients with psychological distress have poor outcomes even after surgery. This is probably because sciatic type pain originated from an elaborate interaction of edematous inflammatory mediators, immune reaction and pressure-related elements which are associated with or amplified by several kinds of environmental and inherent factors such as genetic, age, gender, physical activity, body mass and foremost body weight and mental stress.
Keywords: Neuralgia; Pain; Sciatica; Pharmacotherapy; Treatment
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