Philosophy International Journal (PhIJ)

ISSN: 2641-9130

Conceptual Paper

The Time of Science and the Time of Speculation: A Comparative Study

Authors: Zhu Hong Z

DOI: 10.23880/phij-16000111


Scientific time is the reading of clocks. Clocks embody the uniformity attribute of time. This is an argumentation in a circle. The method of transcending this circle is by reflecting on the history of the formation of scientific time. The reflection on history attributes scientific time to the measurement of change, the uniformity of which is determined by its Intrinsically no difference. Dialectic time, the essence of time or the notion of time, is intuited becoming or change per se. Change or becoming is the unity of coming-to-be, which is from nothing to being, and passing away, which is from being to nothing. The nature of change is the negative of negation, or self-determining. The self-determining of change has a result. This result turns into the first determination that can be held assuredly, in other words, being determinate (Dasein). The nature of time is the same as that of change; it is absolute negation and self-determining. The other essential determination of scientific time is finite. This is determined by the definition of scientific time and the determination of change; Dialectic time means eternal, i.e., the eternal present, and implies the eternal spirit of change, which creates and self-determines and presents itself in the present. Is time finite or infinite? It is food for thought. Many famous ideologists have thought that time is the period from ancient to now. The opinion of finite time or infinite time has dominated the history of human ideas alternately. For example, people in general think time is infinite, affected by Newton’s idea of time in the modern day; however, recent breakthroughs in cosmology suggest that time has a beginning and an end, or that time is finite. Above all, we should confirm the nature of time before answering this longstanding question. There are different idea latitudes to reflect time, such as common sense, art, religion, science, and philosophic speculation. Generally, speculation on time in science is the key to other types of speculation. Hence, our reflection on time starts with scientific time.


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