ISSN: 2577-297X
Authors: Kaya V , Yilmaz S , Ismail Burak Atalay* and Gungor BS
Background: The aim of this study was to determine the clinical and histological features, management strategy, treatment outcomes, and mortality rates of patients who underwent surgery due to extremity liposarcoma (LPS) in our center. Methods: The study included patients whom underwent surgery due to extremity LPS in a tertiary oncology center, between January 2002 and December 2014. The data were obtained from the hospital records. Age, gender, lesion localization, tumor size, histopathological analyses, surgical techniques, adjuvant treatments, local recurrence rates, and mortality were noted. Results: A total of 103 patients (54 males, 49 females) with a mean age of 52.4 years (min-max 19-80 years) were included. The mean follow up period was 57.7 months. Swelling was the most common symptom (97%). The thigh and gluteal region were the most commonly involved localizations. Mxyoid/round cell and well-differentiated LPSs were the two most commonly seen subtypes (57.2% and 17.6%, respectively). Extremity salvage surgery was performed in 96 (93.2%) cases. Adjuvant treatment was applied to 99 (96.1%) patients. Infection, drop foot, or hematoma was seen in 17 patients. Recurrence was seen in 18 patients (17.4), and mean recurrence time was 17 months. The recurrence rate was higher in myxoid/round shaped LPSs. The 5 and 10-year survival rates were 94.1% and 87.3%, respectively. Conclusion: When planning the management, factors such as surgical margin, tumor grade, age of the patient, size of the tumor, histopathological type, and localization should be considered. It should be noted once again that bone and soft tissue tumors should be treated in specialized institutions with experienced and adequate staff and equipment
Keywords: Liposarcomas; Retroperitoneum; Sarcomas; Histopathologic
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