International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology (IZAB)

ISSN: 2639-216X

Review Article

Silkworm Immunity and Hormonal Regulation


Silkworm diseases are the most important disease that inflects heavy loss to crops. Most losses in sericulture can be attributed directly to silkworm diseases. In insects, it relies on both humeral and cellular responses that are mediated via certain recognizing receptors and activation of several pathways. Fat body and hemocytes are the origins for the production and secretion of antimicrobial agents and activators/regulators of cellular response, while cell mediated immunity in insects is performed by hemocytes. Humoral immunity acts as a front-line barrier against invading pathogens. The humoral response includes, the activation of the Phenol oxidase system, which triggers the synthesis of melanin and ii) the production of several immune effectors, such as lysozyme, reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs).

Keywords: Humoral Immunity; Hemocytes; Haemolymph

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