ISSN: 2577-4379
Authors: Osman MA , Aloob SEM , Arbab MH and Badri AM
Background: Hepatitis A is the most common type of hepatitis in children and very common in developing countries due to problem of both personal and environmental unhygienic sanitary practices. The aim of this study was to detect HAV among school children in different hospital in Khartoum state. Methods: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was done to determine the presence of anti-HAV IgM among 90 School children (50 males and 40 females) during the period from September to December 2018. The results: This study was relived a positive sero-prevalence of Hepatitis A virus in (44%) and the rest examined patients were representing negative results of (56%). ALT and AST test in all group was high with mean (620.2, 580 ±) and the ALP showed slightly increase with mean (334.5 ±). Conclusion: The Lack of control for school children and eating from unknown sources of the family may be a major cause of infection with hepatitis A virus as well as sellers in cafeterias of schools and water resources can also be other source.
Keywords: Anti-HAV IgM; ELISA; Hepatitis A virus; School Children; Sudan
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