ISSN: 2574-7800
Authors: Chowdhury S , Sneha , Priyanka and Harsha
Aim: To study the prevalence of eye injuries in leprosy and normal patients. Methods: This is an observational study conducted in 200 members, of which 100 leprosy patients were taken as cohort and 100 healthy normal individuals were taken as controls in a village Kumrudih over the period from June 2017 – June 2018. After taking consent detailed medical history was taken from each individual and clinical eye examination was done and findings were recorded. Results: Out of 100 leprosy patients 8 had trauma to eye, 20 had corneal foreign body, 20 had corneal ulcer had undergone delayed treatment as they were unaware of injuries mostly so visual outcome was worse. Out of 100 healthy controls 2 had history of trauma to eye, 6 had corneal foreign body, 4 had corneal ulcer had undergone early treatment and visual outcome was good. Conclusion: Leprosy patients are more prone to eye injuries than healthy normal individuals. So early diagnosis and early intervention prevents the poor visual outcome in leprosy patients.
Keywords: Eye injuries; Leprosy
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