Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics (JQHE)

ISSN: 2642-6250


Flaws in the Literature

Authors: Wagner HL

DOI: 10.23880/jqhe-16000116


In 1986 a family physician, Marc Jamoulle, et al.  coined the idea of quaternary prevention. It was another era, and the perspective we face at that moment was that we would be able to offer to our patient's good care without harm with excessive intervention. It remains, but the problem now is even bigger. We are now dealing with two new situations, first we have patients that are over informed about health care, and influenced by the media, which almost ever is developed and founded by the health industry. Second we have safety problems with medical research, also founded by the health industry and developed in a way that it is not available to independent analysis.

Keywords: Quaternary Prevention; Flaws

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