ISSN: 2578-4676
Authors: Negre AA*
Purpose: Report of an unusual case in URO-ONCOLOGY, which imposes on the surgeon a real challenge on how to perform the correct diagnosis and preserve the testicular function. Methods: Bibliographical revision by means of PubMed and Lilacs and case report; a 23-year- old male patient sent to the Department of Urology of UFT with the complaint of pain in the scrotal and a lump in the right testicular pouch six months ago. Result: Magnetic resonance imaging confirmed a nodular image, enhanced by gadolinium, measuring 1.4 cm in the right lower paratesticular region. Laboratory evaluation showed normal tumor markers and normal Testosterone levels. The patient underwent surgery and the anatomopathological diagnosis (with the use of immunohistochemical markers) was an adenomatoid tumor of the epididymis. Conclusion: The adenomatoid tumor is a rare benign neoplasm of mesothelial origin. It is commonly paratesticular, mainly in the epididymis. Surgical treatment consists of tumor resection and preservation of the testis and spermatic pathway whenever possible.
Keywords: Adenomatoid Tumor; Epididymis; Paratesticular; Neoplasms
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