ISSN: 2639-2534
Authors: Bipin Rooj and Ujjwal Mandal*
Carbon quantum dots (CQDs) are believed to play a key role in the field of biomedicine, sensing of biomolecules, bio imaging, targeted drug delivery, energy transfer, etc. CQDs have been successfully employed to detect various metal ions, and important bio-molecules at very low concentration. To explore the potential application of CQDs in bio system it is important to study their property in such systems. The interactions between CQDs and membrane are important in understanding the mechanism of drug action. Micelles are used as a model cell mimicking system. As compared to various other membrane models such as soluble polymers and liposomes, micellar systems are considered to be more advantageous, because of their relative simplicity, low toxicity, and narrow size distribution, long residence time in the system. Hence it is very important to study CQDs in Micellar medium.
Keywords: Liposomes; Micellar Medium; Biomolecules; Bio Imaging; Targeted Drug Delivery; Energy Transfer
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