ISSN: 2577-297X
Authors: Nareshkumar S Dhaniwala*
Introduction: Non-traumatic upper limb disorders are not uncommon. These may range from non-specific myalgia & fibro-fasciitis to specific disorders of joints and bones of the upper limb bones. Frequent key board use is also becoming a new etiologic factor. Material & Methods: The present prospective study was done in rural tertiary health care facility on admitted cases having upper limb non-traumatic disorders. Their pre -treatment functional status was assessed using 20 items Upper Extremity Function Index (UEFI) developed by Stanford PW et al. The data was analyzed to find the frequency of various disorders. Observations & Results: Out of total 41 cases, male female ratio was 2.7:1. The maximum patients 19 (46.34%) were in the age group 02 to 20 years and the least 02 (4.87%) > than 60 years. The maximum cases, 20 (48.78%) were of bone tumors, benign in 16 cases and malignant in 04 cases. Other pathologies noted were, rotator cuff injury, tuberculosis, peri-arthritis shoulder, tennis elbow, nerve involvement, avascular necrosis of Lunate, inflammatory arthritis and De Quervain's disease. As per the Upper Extremity Functional Index, the scores ranged from 0 to 80. The minimum scores were seen in patients having gross neurological deficit in upper limb.
Keywords: Non-Traumatic; Upper Limb Disorders; Giant Cell Tumor; Osteochondroma
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