Open Access Journal of Ophthalmology (OAJO)

ISSN: 2578-465X

Case Report

A Rare Case Report: Traumatic Isolated Medial Rectus Dehiscence and its Surgical Outcome

Authors: Amol T* , Anshika S and Rekha K

DOI: 10.23880/oajo-16000178


Accidental blunt trauma with stick while working at farm or in cases of interpersonal fights a softball injury to eye; all might send the patient to trauma centre with orbital or ocular trauma. Patients with orbital or ocular trauma present with pain in and around the orbit, bruising and swelling causing diplopia and gaze disturbances. The ocular or orbital trauma causing strabismus could be the result of localized acute soft tissue swelling or following orbital fractures, partial or complete loss of extraocular muscle (EOM) and/or cranial nerve function, or mechanical restriction due to damage to surrounding tissues.

Keywords: Strabismus; Blunt Ocular Trauma; Extraocular Muscle Trauma; Ocular Trauma; Orbital Trauma; Medial Rectus Dehiscence

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