International Journal of Biochemistry & Physiology (IJBP)

ISSN: 2577-4360

Research Article

Assessment of the Phytonutrient Content, Mineral and Proximate Compositions of Selected Yam Landraces (Dioscorea Rotundata Poir)

Authors: Nwankwo PO*

DOI: 10.23880/ijbp-16000157


The phytochemical screening, assessment of mineral and proximate compositions of eleven selected yam landraces were carried out using standard laboratory protocols with the view to gain insight to its nutritional and health potentials. Phytonutrient composition (mg/100g) analyses were carried out using different extraction solvents namely diethyl ether, ethanol, methanol, acetone and methanol. The results revealed that the eleven samples studied had alkaloid between the range of (0.22 – 0.40), flavonoid (2.96 - 3.51), saponin (2.89 - 1.89), tannin (0.03 – 0.05), phytate (0.001 – 0.02) and oxalate (0.04 – 0.06). All observed phytonutrients were below toxic level and thus essential for good health and vitality. Mineral elements (mg/100g) – calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc and copper were assessed. The eleven selected yam landraces had relatively high contents (within the WHO recommendations) of the assessed mineral elements such as calcium (16.47 – 91.32), magnesium (38.16 – 76.90), phosphorus (157.97 – 269.33), etc. The results of the proximate compositions showed that crude fibre was highest in Ogoja (2.36). Okpani had the highest content of crude protein (5.33) while Adaka had the highest content of crude fat (0.82). The caloric values (Cal/100g) ranged from 150.32 – 193.57 respectively

Keywords: Dioscorea Rotundata; Phytonutrient; Mineral and Proximate Compositions

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