ISSN: 2691-5731
Authors: Adem A , Endebu T , Tsegaye D and Bogale T
Background: Substance use is becoming a serious ongoing public health problem. Globally, there were about 190 million substance users. In Ethiopia, as in many developing countries. Alcohol and Khat are the most frequent substances of use, followed by cannabis and solvents. Higher educational institutions are breeding grounds for substance use. Objectives: To assess the magnitude of substance use and associated factors among graduating class students of Adama Science and Technology University. Methods: Institution based cross-sectional study design was employed from May to August, 2018. 521 respondents were selected; data were collected by using a well-structured and self-administered questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used besides a logistic regression analysis was employed in order to infer associations and predictions between dependent and independent variables. Statistical significance was declared at p-value less than 5%. Result: A total of 493 individuals participated with response rate of 94.6% of total sample size (521). Magnitude of substance use 272 (55.2%) [95% CI: 51.1-59.4] whereas, 228(46.2%) used at least one substance in their lifetime. The most commonly used substances in descending order were alcohol (51.7%), Khat (23.7%), cigarettes (12.2%), and illicit drugs (7.1%). on sex, odds of substance use among male were 3 times more as compared to females [AOR = 3.27, 95%CI (1.92-5.58)]. Religion and income were significantly associated with substance use. Conclusion and Recommendation: The overall life time extent of substance use is high. The most commonly used substances are alcohol, Khat and cigarette. Sex, religion and income were significantly associated factors. Therefore,education and awareness creation of substance use are the most paramount action to be taken in the Universities to bring a considerable behavioral change, mainly among male university students.
Keywords: Substance use; Graduating class students; Adama Science; Technology University
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