ISSN: 2578-4838
Authors: Madhav Raje*
Human society was never fully monogamous. In fact, before civilization polygamy was socially acceptable. However, ascent of civilization brought the rule of monogamy. Monogamy is considered for the growth of institution of marriage. Marriage is a basis of family. Family functions as bonding tie to maintain civilization. Without civilization, human society cannot survive & evolve further. With this background, argument proceeds to the dilemma of adopting adultery or not. If no, then reasons with benefits are argued scientifically, biologically, psycho-socially. Methods to avoid adultery are discussed. Articles on adultery or infidelity or extramarital sex are published by many, but probably this is a first editorial written by any practicing psychiatrist-cum-psychotherapist. That is why this article becomes relevant to practice by any ordinary individual or by any expert in the field of medical science & psychology
Keywords: Adultery; Monogamy; Dilemma; Divorces
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