ISSN: 2578-4838
Authors: Sqalli HA* , El Anzi O , Mansouri S , Ismaili N , Mariame M , Benzekri L , Senouci K and Hassam B
Scleromalacia perforans is a rare form of anterior scleritis represented by progressive thinning of the sclera. It is most often associated with rheumatoid arthritis,and sometimes seen in inflammatory systemic disease. Rarely scleromalacia has been described in porphyria and herpes zoster. We are reporting the case of 62 year old man who was followed for pemphigus vulgaris and who developed scleromalacia perforans of the eye. The association between pemphigus and SP has never been described before so this report suggests adding SP to rare but possible complications of pemphigus and hilights the importance of multi-disciplinary care.
Keywords: Scleromalacia Perforans; Pemphigus; Ocular Complications
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