Annals of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (APhOT)

ISSN: 2640-2734

Research Article

The Physical Impact of Spina Bifida in an Irish Population

Authors: Governey S and Leonard J

DOI: 10.23880/aphot-16000127


The aim of this study is to review the physical needs experienced by children with spina bifida (0-18 years) in Ireland. Ireland has one of the highest rates of Neural Tube Defects (NTDs) in the world and is therefore an ideal population to study. 155 parents/guardians completed purposively designed quantitative questionnaires. Results were analyzed using descriptive statistics including frequency distributions, measures of central tendency using excel; and bivariate relationships using SPSS. Physical presentation of this complex condition impacts on many aspects of children’s lives. The most prevalent level of spinal lesion was lumbar (27%) followed by lumbosacral (19%) and sacral (12%). 64% of children have a Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) shunt in situ. 69% of children required a wheelchair for mobility. Orthopaedic complications are high at 78%, increasing to 90% >10 years. 84% of all children required interventions to support their continence and urological health which increased to 93% for school aged children. Nearly all body systems are affected and require support. Although the underlying disability is present from birth, the implications and secondary complications of SB can be significant. What this paper adds • Physical impact of Spina Bifida in the Irish Population • Orthopaedic complications and surgery rate 90% in over 10 years • Bladder / Bowel incontinence present in over 85% of population

Keywords: Spina Bifida; Orthopaedic Complications; Bladder/Bowel

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