ISSN: 2575-9981
Authors: Teixeira Rangel RC, da Costa Leitão MN, Godinho Bertoncello KC, Echevarria-Guanilo ME, Delziovo CR, Lynn FA and de Souza ML*
Objective: to have obstetrical nurse experts analyze the composition of the instrument for nursing care technology in the prevention and management of hemorrhage in the third stage of labor and apply assessment criteria to validate it. Method: Methodological, quantitative, descriptive study. The instrument, based on an integrative and a systematic review, was divided into five axes, 20 domains, and 81 items. The instrument was sent to experts who assessed it using an electronic form (Google forms) with a seven-point Likert scale ranging from 7-totally agree to 1-totally disagree. Analysis included Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient index (> 0.70) and Content Validity Index (CVI> 0.80). Results: All ten criteria used to assess the instrument, which were analyzed by the 20 experts, presented very high Cronbach’s Alphas. The criteria were: clarity; coherence; scientific writing; relevance; sequence; homogeneity and current ness (Alpha 0.96); scope; criticality of items, and objectivity (0.95), that is, the experts considered the items to have very high reliability. The CVIs were also considered to be excellent. The items understanding, consistency, criticality of items, scientific writing, relevance and current ness of content obtained the highest CVIs (0.95); sequence and homogeneity obtained a CVI equal to 0.90; and objectivity and clarity presented the lowest index: 0.85. Conclusion: The instrument was validated by obstetrical nurses and considered to be highly reliable (total alpha equal to 0.96 and CVI equal to 0.92).
Keywords: Nursing care; Obstetric Nursing; Technology
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