ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Patil MS and Patil SN
Background: Oral infections and dental diseases are still considered as serious public health problem despite of the advances in various field of medicine, and inflict a major burden to health care services around the world and especially in developing countries. Development of resistance against antibiotics and antiseptics is a growing cause of concern which has limited the preventive measures. Several commercially available allopathic medicines can alter oral microflora and have undesirable side effects, thus making alternative medicine important to maintain disease free oral health. Hence, the search for alternative products continues and plant extracts used in traditional medicine (ayurveda) are considered as good alternative to allopathic medicine. Aim: to study and determine various applications of ayurved products and herbs in oral health care. Objective: To bring about an understanding regarding integration of dentistry and ayurved. Material & Method: A PUBMED, MEDLINE, Medknow literature search was conducted using keywords Ayurveda, dentistry, oral health, Oil pulling, integration Apart from indexed journals, peer reviewed and non-indexed journals were also reviewed. Result: Traditional medicine can treat various infectious and chronic conditions. Research has shown that all kinds of chewing sticks described in ancient Ayurveda herbs have medicinal and anti-cariogenic properties. Its oil pulling (Kaval, Gandush) practice is claimed to cure gum diseases. Amla is a general rebuilder of oral health. Bilberry fruit and hawthorn berry stabilize collagen, strengthening the gum tissue. Liquorice root promotes anti-cavity action, reduces plaque, and has an antibacterial effect. The Jalandhar bandha is effective painless tooth extraction. Conclusion: The traditional knowledge of the Ayurved should be integrated with modern dental practice and encouraged to use ayurved preparations and herbal product in various oral lesion and diseases.
Keywords: Ayurved; Dentistry; Oral Health; Herbs; Oil Pulling; Integration
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