Journal of Embryology & Stem Cell Research (JES)

ISSN: 2640-2637

Research Article

Evaluation and Identification of Celiac Disease Associated Antigen DQ2 and DQ8 in Northern Indian-Kashmir Valley

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DOI: 10.23880/jes-16000119


Background: Celiac disease (CD) is a commonly occurring food gluten sensitive enteropathy characterized by smallintestinal mucosal injury and nutrient malabsorption. It is known in genetically susceptible individuals by the ingestion of wheat gluten and similar proteins of other cereals, inducing an abnormal immune response. The genetic susceptibility of CD is associated with specific Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) II alleles that encode human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DQ2 or HLA DQ8 heterodimers. Aim of Study: The present study was aimed at identification and evaluation of HLA “DQ2” and “DQ8” heterodimers in human subjects and determination of prevalence of Celiac disease in Kashmiri population. Methodology: A total of sixty symptomatic clinical cases comprising of twenty five (25) males and thirty five (35) females were included in this study. The typing of HLA alleles was carried out by employing Sequence Specific Primers (SSP)-PCR. Results: Our results demonstrated that among sixty participants, percentage of DQ2+/ DQ8+, DQ2+/DQ8-, DQ2-/DQ8+ and DQ2-/ DQ8- were 11.66%, 53.33%, 8.33% and 26.66%. Moreover, among the twenty five male participants, five were DQ2+/ DQ8+, ten DQ2+/ DQ8-, two DQ2-/ DQ8+, and eight DQ2-/ DQ8-. Similarly, among thirty five female participants, two were DQ2+/ DQ8+, twenty two DQ2+/ DQ8-, three DQ2-/ DQ8+, and eight DQ2-/ DQ8-. Furthermore, our results also revealed that among the sixty participants, twelve (20%) participants had low, fourteen (23.33%) participants have high, eighteen (30%) participants have very high and sixteen (26.67%) participants have no susceptibility to celiac disease. In terms of gender predisposition we found that male subjects were 28% and females 45% susceptible to celiac disease.Conclusion: From the current study we establish that majority of the subjects under study are susceptible to celiac disease and notably females are more susceptible as compared to males. Findings of the recent work could possibly aid in better understanding the prevalence of CD in Jammu and Kashmir. The high ratio of CD in females than males is also a question of future research.

Keywords: Celiac disease; Human Leukocyte antigen; Polymerase Chain Reaction; Gluten

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