Annals of Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy (APhOT)

ISSN: 2640-2734

Research Article

School and Sleep Participation of University Students

Authors: Delos Reyes RC*, Ababao AML, Cabatay AGA, Fernandez SMD, Homoroc ZCV and Luna SMA

DOI: 10.23880/aphot-16000131


Occupational therapists deemed that restful and adequate sleep is an essential factor that affects occupational performance, participation and engagement in daily life because sleep influences many body functions such as cognition that aids an individual to function optimally. In order to achieve the beneficial effects of sleep, literatures suggest the right number of hours of sleep that individuals should obtain which is seven hours of night sleep and eight to nine hours of daily sleep. This study aimed to determine whether there’s a correlation between sleep participation which includes the number of hours of sleep and school participation of allied medical students in terms of their grade point average. Descriptive correlational research design was used to achieve the aim of the study. The subjects were chosen via convenient sampling wherein questionnaires were distributed upon the approval of the department chair of Occupational Therapy of University Batangas. The study found out that the average number of hours of sleep of the students was not tied with their grade point average. This study also revealed that majority of the respondents, which constituted 57.5% sleep for only 6 hours. Although the relationship between number of hours of sleep and grade point average were inconclusive, it is still alarming that most of the students were not able to get the recommended amount of sleep. There is a possibility that number of hours of sleep can affect other areas of occupation, not necessarily the student’s school participation.

Keywords: Sleep Participation; School Participation; Occupational Therapy

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